The Big Day…
This is it! Now is the time for your surgical appointment; an appointment with the new you! You will certainly feel nervous; the team at Plastie Clinic will help you relax and make this day a positive experience. Before entering the surgery room, a nurse will look after your admission. If you wish, you can also speak with your surgeon and the anesthetist who will explain the steps of his intervention process.
First, you will discover our surgery room, fully equipped with state-of-the-art surgical instruments. The surgical unit’s temperature is constantly controlled and maintained at 21° C. A specialized ventilation system ensures that the ambient air is pleasant and complies with the highest standards of sterilization. The nurses, the respiratory therapist, the anesthetist and your surgeon will all be there for you.
Whether your anesthesia is local or general, you will wake up under the supervision of the nurses assigned to the recovery room.
Once the recovery phase is over, you will be able to leave the surgical center under the supervision of a nurse.